If you’re looking for Graston Technique (GT) soft tissue therapy in St. Albert or Edmonton, you’ve come to the right place.
Our doctors have been providing Graston Technique to the St. Albert and Edmonton area since 2009. At the Maloney Elkassem Wellness Clinic, we use Graston Technique as a key component of treating many types of injuries.
Graston Technique is one of the most well known types of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM). During a Graston treatment, a clinician will glide over the skin with an ergonomically designed, blunt edged Graston instrument while applying the appropriate amount of pressure so as to 'massage' the underlying soft tissue (which can include muscles, tendons, ligaments or fascia). This usually feels similar to receiving a deep massage.
The intent of GT is to detect and effectively break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions, leading to improved range of motion affected soft tissue. A Graston treatment has been described as being the muscular equivalent to running a comb through tangled hair to remove the tangles and knots or like running an iron over a wrinkled shirt to smooth out the fibers of the fabric.
Graston Technique treatment is clinically proven to achieve faster and better outcomes for acute and chronic conditions such as:
Achilles Tendonitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen shoulder)
Medial and Lateral Epicondylitis (golfer's and tennis elbow)
IT Band Syndrome
Lumbar Strain
Neck Pain
Shin Splints
Plantar Fasciitis
Graston Technique is used extensively in the rehabilitation of sports injuries and workplace injuries.
Graston Therapy can be effective as a stand alone therapy, but it also works incredibly well when incorporated into a treatment plan that may include other soft tissue therapies like Active Release Therapy (ART), as well as Spinal Manipulation, Acupuncture, Shockwave Therapy, Kinesiotaping and/or exercise therapy.
The cost of Graston Therapy, like the other therapies we offer, may be either fully or partially covered under most health benefits plans, usually included in your coverage for chiropractic care.
At the Maloney Elkassem Wellness Center, we have an amazing team of chiropractors, physiotherapists, acupuncturists and massage therapists that can all work together to get you feeling better. Our practitioners and our clinic are consistently voted as Best In St. Albert and Edmonton.
In addition to Graston Therapy and traditional spinal adjustments, our chiropractors are also able to offer a variety of therapies including Shockwave Therapy, soft tissue therapies like Active Release Therapy, acupuncture, McKenzie lower back protocol, Custom Foot Orthotics, Kinesiotaping and therapeutic exercise programs.
Contact us at (780)459-8183 to start feeling better today.